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Real influence of SEO strategies in ranking

The development of content marketing in the digital field has been a revolution for marketing and advertising on the Internet. Through web ranking, companies and organizations try to improve the knowledge and access of their addresses in what web search refers to.

SEO strategies have substantially modified the relationship of communication and the interrelation between users and organizations, to the point of creating an almost perfect search system in relation to web ranking. In this same case, social networks have acted in recent years as an engine that has increased this type of strategy, creating a true phenomenon of professionals dedicated to SEO, content marketing and web ranking of organizations, and creating itself A whole new field emerged alongside the online dissemination that allows a very detailed knowledge of the needs and interests of users on the Internet.

As we said, within the SEO world and web ranking, companies and blogs have used social networks as a springboard to exert a greater influence on the searches of users, which has meant a revolution in terms of dealing with Internet users, more if possible, when most of the social networks have derived to pure platforms of content and SEO that allow a greater knowledge of people, given the large number of information they can obtain through their profiles.

Let’s see then what are the conditioning factors that clearly affect Internet searches and mark the SEO strategy:

  • Use of the keyword. For a long time it has been considered that the key word or phrase should be placed in the body of an article and highlighted in bold, while in reality the important and most efficient thing is to place this word in the title and subtitle of the articles. It does not indicate that keywords in the body of the articles have no interest for SEO, but search engines first attract those titles with those words. At the same time, they need to offer a unique content or as distinguished as possible, which allows to identify the contents with the searches carried out.
  • Inclusion of reference links. For a long time it was believed that putting links in the body of the article was beneficial for an increase in SEO ranking, however, that of linking all the articles has passed to a better life. Currently, the inclusion of quality links (one or several) is considered important, which is what improves the ranking ranking and, better, the longer the link has reach. That is why the number of links and the quality of the links do not count.
  • The structure of the articles. The composition, length and ease of loading are the fundamental and most important elements in the SEO strategy. In addition, another relevant fact is the need to have unique and original content distinguishing between repetitive and copied pages.
  • Inclusion of the main link. Contrary to what can be believed, in the articles in which keywords are going to be used, it is important to only enter once a link to the place to which we want to channel searches, since otherwise it confuses the search engines when linking to the web and the results appear.
  • Utility of social networks. In social networks, various profiles are used for a greater projection in SEO. For example, the elements of social networks that can most influence SEO are the number of followers and contacts, which is known as a reference profile, the age of the profiles and the interaction with this of profiles, comments and answers, that can suppose a greater volume of publications of interrelation with blogs.

In general, advances in digital communication have led to the emergence of a very powerful sector dedicated to studying the behavior of users, their searches, the collection of relevant information and the improvement of dissemination and publication strategies on the Internet. This requires, on the one hand, to work more and be competitive in order to attract the attention of users and, on the other hand, it has greater benefits because it is a much more efficient strategy.

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